but blogging bards must needs revert to type

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Eyjafjallajökull: The Icelandic Volcano

Why slander Icelander: a-shaken bystander,

Choked with gilt-edges of cloud that demand a

Piqued summit to open for airing in public

Such issues, infernal, as ‘earth-flings’ to snub -lick

Their sky- sticks a tongue of such slathering pitch

As out-tarmacs runways: a bitumen bitch?

It’s plain; down to earth; yes, as plane as can be

Grounded by reason of geography:

Holidays, that were cut back by shortage of cash,

Overseas, are extended, by surfeits of ash…

But chambers of commerce, magma-ominous yet,

Could tan us more golden than crust’s last sunset!

So don’t vent your anger at Reykjavík’s nation

If you think they’ve blasted well wrecked your vacation.

Those red in the face at their earning’s loss

Ought be glad Earth’s core’s not scorch-spat urn's gloss!


  1. Been away on holiday, so thought I'd move from homely hearth-fires to vacation-vanishing volcanoes. Whilst we're up in Scandanavia, maybe we'll try the sequel to Vikarious next?

  2. I especially love this poem because I live in Iceland and got to watch this eruption from my front yard.

  3. Haha! Was wondering if this more modern poem might garner some icelandic attention! Glad you made it through the eruptions to see my less earth-shattering poetry ;)
