but blogging bards must needs revert to type

Friday, 30 December 2011

I Am Bic-Penned Amateur (but blogging bards must needs revert to type)

I never was baptised in font until

I winged a flight of fancy by flap's hap:

All-plucky, birds refused me feather quill;

Even my high-coo pigeon... cheeky Jap!

It happened when errant, and a raven

My inkwell spilt in splitting from its cage,

Birds heard my cry, "Fowl play!", and fled haven...

Rage incandescent: ink on desk and page!

Forgetting birds; Guttenburg laid to rest:

Pressed for time, a typewriter's ironic...

Geese had left eggs with quills on Shelley desk;

Biros nicked (borrowed) make desk Byronic.

When pen-tired, I'd a downward dreamy bleat,

"Quilt quills, as eiderdown, would biros beat!"

1 comment:

  1. I dreamt up this obviously fictional account quite recently as an introductory illustration to my blog's title... a thought that sprang surrepticiously enough from glancing the bic brand of my biro whilst penning iambic pentametre in a rather amateurish fashion! You may notice some self-referencing going on already to my haiku above?
